Just a short hello

Up to 90 minutes together for those stolen moments.

1000 USD

Shall we get to know each other?

Up to two hours for a spot of time together, perfect for a brief introduction, a little banter, and some time a little closer.

1300 USD

Stealing an afternoon for ourselves

Let’s take our time for a cup of tea, a cocktail, a bite of lunch, and other delights the afternoon might bring. Up to three hours.

2000 USD

Let’s make a date of it

I love the classic dinner date. Up to six hours for dinner and drinks at our favorite restaurant before retiring somewhere private for dessert.

3000 USD

Wake up in each other’s arms

Let’s have a slumber party of our own, with an evening together, a show, a trip to the museum, a slow dinner together, and some late-night whispers. See below for more details.

4000 USD

Grab a coffee and chat

The option for the curious but uninitiated. A truly casual date in a public setting, buy me a cup of coffee or a cocktail and we can talk about our shared interests and desires. A generous half-an-hour-ish.

200 USD

Extended Dates

Do you want to include a brunch full of laughter, a daytime activity, a slow afternoon walk, whatever hole-in-the-wall restaurant we happen by for dinner, and, of course, all those stolen moments back in our hotel room? Let’s do it.

7-12 hours | 4000 USD

12-18 hours | 6000 USD

18-24 hours | 7000 USD


Let’s chat, dream, play, snack, roll around together, and stay up late sipping our drinks too slowly.

Overnights are geared to allow for the time stretching from dinner through breakfast (roughly 6/7 pm through 9/10 am). During this time, we will need to eat both meals and I do require at least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep and a spot of private time to get ready in the morning. If you’d like to add time for an inspection of our room pre-dinner or a leisurely morning with brunch, I will ask for an additional gift of 500 USD on either side of our time together.


As a polyamorous person, I have deep admiration for loving couples who are looking to explore romantic and intimate desires in ways that are respectful and mutually satisfying. I also just love the dynamics that can evolve with more people in the room! For this reason, I very intentionally will not ask for an extra fee to meet with couples. I will ask, instead, for a minimum booking of two to three hours, so that we can all take our time and get comfortable with each other and, of course, am happy to accept any extra gift that you might want to provide.

I have a number of beautiful and enticing friends in the area who I have played with before and with whom I’ve established riveting dynamics. Let’s invite them to join us for a few hours! Remember that my friends have availability and professional boundaries that may differ from my own. For the sake of equity, I also ask that you match the higher hourly rate between whichever two (or…dare I say…three!) of us that you choose to spend time with.



